It was just 

a kiss.

She seemed nice. It felt nice when she pressed her lips against yours. You didn’t notice the moment when you began to change.

Don’t worry about being different, you still sound and act like you. But…your friends are noticing things about you. Wondering where you’ve been. Wondering what happened. You might wonder… “Can I go back to the way things were before?”

If you hide from the world because you got smooched by a zombie, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

The only way out of this is to…

Buy $ZOOCH on Solana

The only cure.

In cities all around the world, friends friends are being smooched. Smooched by zombies that hold them (and their monies) captive… Now what?

He’ll only hang out with you and buy back in if you’re early on some 1000X tokens. Like last cycle.

The only way out of this is to visit Pump.Fun and get your self a bag of $ZOOCH.

The only cure for a Zombie Smooch, and the bear.

Smooch Vs. Zombies

Brothers in need?

  • Little Brother Anon

    Do you lost your little bro to a hottie? Has he been smooched bye a zombie and lost his degenitude? Help him heal. Buy a bag of $ZOOCH

  • Cousin Anon

    He seems okay most the time. But is he? Did he meet a “girl” and dissappear for a while? Only to come back…changed? Does he need a bag of $ZOOCH?

  • Degen Friend Anon

    He’s your best friend. But what happened? Ever since met her, he’s just got a different look in his eyes. He can’t see it. But you can. He needs the cure. And you can help him.